Press conference at noon.

Will Edwards suspend his campaign due to the return of Elizabeth's cancer? So far, the campaign is denying it (and chastising media that states so, e.g., CNN and Politico):

Edwards blog

chuckles is liveblogging from the press conference.

Update: Cancer was caught early, is treatable, she looks good and campaign is moving on with no interuption.


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The sad facts are, Bora, that the five year survival rate of metastatic breast cancer is in the 20% range, and the median survival has been reported as being between 19-30 months, depending on the series. In the unlikely event that Edwards becomes President, it is highly unlikely that Elizabeth would survive his first term and not unlikely that she would be deteriorating by the inauguration. The bottom line is that her cancer will kill her. The good news is that sometimes women with breast cancer metastatic to bone can live pretty well for several years.

I'll probably blog on this later from a medical perspective. As much as I detest John Edwards as a politician, I wouldn't wish this on anyone, and he and his wife have my full sympathy.

Thank you.

I was running around today, busy wih real life (and spent some time at the campaign HQ) but I've suspected that they are putting a brave face on something that is more serious than what they let on. A good friend of mine died of breast cancer soon after they found it spread to bone about 6-7 years ago (and she was lucky to get bone-marrow transplant from her twin sister).

The local TV stations cut off the press conference before Elizabeth's doctor got on so I could not hear what she had to say. Everyone around here (and online) was in a panic mode for the past 24 hours since the news leaked out. Now, I am looking forward to a cool-headed analysis by a physician.