Three things that get kids to break from religious shackles

Great discusssion on Pandagon.


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By Matt Platte (not verified) on 17 Apr 2007 #permalink

Most European countries have state-sanctioned religion. Their people have had religion forced on them so much that they grew up sick of it. Churches survive only with state support.

I was told to read the bible when I was 12. It was a horrorshow. I couldn't understand why people didn't burn down their churches.

I read it again in college, and it was like I remembered it. I better appreciated the horror of it.

Years later I read Asimov's Guide to the Bible which enabled me to very much appreciate how evil the bible is.

This is SO true. All of these things influenced me to leave fundamentalism and to, eventually, become an atheist. It took years, though. So we have to learn how to help people who are making the transition out of fundamentalism, but who are still stuck with a lot of fear.

As a child of fundamentalists who also grew up to be an agnostic/atheist, just like writerdd, I too can attest that reading the Bible for myself, reading just about anything else I could get my hands on (thereby exposing myself to new knowledge and alternate worldviews), and witnessing the rampant hypocrisy among so-called Christians was a perfect storm in terms of leading me away from any kind of religions/faith. That sense f a burden being lifted that born-again Christians always talk about when they convert? I felt that when I QUIT going to church and let myself off the obligatory hook. :)

But I disagree with Roy: the Bible isn't evil. The poeple who use its contents to manipulate and control are evil. The Bible is just a text, and taken simply as text -- as stories -- it has some lovely passages, great narratives, memorable characters, and even a bit of wisdom. It's not infallible, it's filled with contradictions, but evil? I think not.

I grew up a United Church agnostic. Then, with the idealism that comes with university life, I became an fervent born-again, under some competent mentors. It lasted two years until I finally asked myself some basic, critical questions. Religion, let alone Christianity, had no adequate answers. At that point, I realized it was just hooey. Now, as an atheist, I feel content and liberated.

"Testify, Brother! Can I hear an amen?"