Update on "I Want This Job!"

Blogs! A new world! Breaking new frontiers all the time!

A few days ago, PLoS ONE posted a few job ads, including this one. A friend of mine saw it and thought the job-description was pretty much a Bora-description (another friend wrote in an e-mail that all it is missing is a clause "must be a Red-State Serbian Jewish atheist liberal PhD student"), so he sent me the link.

Some people like to keep secrets, but I like to air my thoughts in public (why have a blog otherwise?) so I posted my thoughts about it late on Friday night and decided to sleep on it, think about it over the weekend, consult with my wife, my kids, my brother, my mother and a few good (blogging) friends, then formally apply on Monday (yesterday).

Next morning, I woke up to a comment by the Managing Editor of PLoS ONE asking if my blog-post should be considered as a formal job application. My comment in response was a Yes.

Now, that's a first! I never consciously try to be the first in everything, but it seems that such things always happen to me. The first to have a blog-post cited in a paper, the first to publish data, the first to organize a Science Blogging Conference, the first to edit a Science Blogging Anthology... I just do what I want and like. By not having anyone to answer to but myself, I have more freedom than most other science bloggers to do what I want and like and break new ground in the process. So why not be the first to apply for a job by posting on my blog, then formally apply by posting a comment on the post?

Anyway, I can't tell you all the details right now, but we are talking and I may go for an interview soon. I'll keep you posted if and when something remarkable happens.

Oh, btw, you can also be online frontier pioneers by posting one-sentence letters of recommendations in the comments to that post (or this one) if you feel like it...


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I don't comment often, but I do read regularly (by the way, thanks for adding me to the blogroll :-)). The job seems perfect for you, and I wish you all the best. As long as it doesn't mean you won't be blogging around here anymore. I would miss you.

And yes, you're highly recommended for the job!

I highly recommend Bora. He is passionate, committed, and full of energy. If PLoS wants to jump start their new project in the right direction... Bora is your man! He understands online community!

Congrads. Bora, so far, I wish you to get this one. As pioneer in many things here in Belgrade (and maybe Beyond), with 12yrs of experience in Information Science (then, now call it whatever): I KNOW that you are the best candidate for this job description as I may see (+ you have more to give).
I highly recommend you for this job!

So SF has earthquakes ... other places have tornados or hurricanes. I've lived in SF for nearly 30 years. Yes, it is expensive but the bay area is a wonderful place to live.

You are perfect for the job and if it means moving to SF, go for it!

Bora is more than a pioneer; he is persistent and has the right touch for both nurturing and managing a community. Bora is articulate in several languages and convincing enough that he had many of us working with him to create the Science Blogging conference. He knows of that which is types. Hire him!

Bora has saved at least three children from burning buildings, regularly cycles in triathlons, and established the first foundation for victims of blogorrhea. He is an all-around good guy and a great blogging neighbor.

Wow! Way to go Bora!

And Mr. Managing Editor, if you're reading this, why are you even considering any other candidates for this position? Bora is one of the most thoughtful, articulate people I know (in both bloggy and real life), has a knack for communicating complex topics to lay audiences as well as herding cats (well, bloggers anyway but that's way harder than motivating felines).

And Mr. Managing Editor, if you're reading this, why are you even considering any other candidates for this position?

Yeah, Im going to have to echo this. Its not just his experience with online communities, its his patience and level headed nature. I mean seriously, Managing Editor, did you see the fr*ming kerfuffle? That was mild.

People are passionate about their research and findings, and how others perceive their work. Discussions get heated. Coturnix is a veteran of dealing with our... enthusiastic... discussions.

Egad! That shows that PLoS really are taking the community aspect seriously, it would be a stunningly intelligent appointment. Ok, that's two sentences...

If they hire anyone else for this job, they'd be out of their minds. Your generosity is what keeps people coming to you, Bora. I've always appreciate your community-building spirit, energy, and enthusiasm. Thank you!!

Bora has a way of encouraging participation in all internet endeavors! Check out the book... (oops, two for me, too!)