To Science Foo or not to Science Foo?

Maxine Clark, Attila Csordas, Deepak Singh, PZ Myers, Pedro Beltrao, Jean-Claude Bradley, Pierre Lindenbaum, Peter MR, Andrew Walkingshaw, Anna Kushnir, Timo Hannay, Richard Akerman and yours truly are some of the 200 people invited by Google, Nature and Tim O'Reilly to participate in this summer's Science Foo Camp. Apparently, the last year's camp was a blast. I'll give it another 48 hours to think before I reply, but I hope it is a Yes and that I will go, evangelize for Open Science and learn a lot about the ways it can be implemented.


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You should def say YES. FOO events are great casual ways to get to know a variety of folks involved in different areas.And yes yes do advocate for Open Science.

Hi there! I'm really looking forward to it (though as I'm really a mineralogist/physicist, it looks like I'm going to be enormously outnumbered by the life scientists!)

Open Science - well, you'll definitely have PMR on your side there. I'm hoping it'll be one of the themes of the conference.

Yay! Congratulations!

Just say 'yes!' If you can get 'Nature' to go the Open Science way, there's nothing like it!