The Fly Buzz Continues

The Fly Spontaneous Behavior paper is generating quite a lot of buzz.

Bjorn has collected some of the best blogospheric responses, including these from Mark Chu-Carroll, Mark Hoofnagle and Kate.

He also got Slashdotted - of course, whoever posted that on Slashdot failed to a) link to the paper, b) link to the press release and c) link to Bjorn's blog. Instead, a little blurb from one of the worst media articles from MSNBC is the only link. Those got linked later in the comments, so I hope Bjorn enjoys the traffic (it will go away tomorrow never to come back again).

Bjorn has also posted two good posts about the scientific and popular aspects of the paper that can clear stuff up.

More like this least, that was my first reaction when I first read this reaction by the Karen Malec of the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer to posts by Mark Chu-Carroll and myself pointing out the numerous flaws in the latest "study" being circulated to "support" a link between abortion and breast cancer…
Ever have one of those times when you have a cool new blog post all ready in your head, just needs to be typed in and published? Just to realize that you have already published it months ago? Brains are funny things, playing tricks on us like this. I just had one of such experiences today, then…
A few days ago, I asked what it takes for a young person to start and, more importantly, continue for a longer term, to write a science blog. The comment thread on that post is quite enlightening, I have to say - check it out. What is more important - that post started a chain-reaction on Twitter…
OK, so a bunch of us sciencebloggers went to New York City this weekend. This is something that we were trying to do for almost a year now. Sure, many of us Sciblings have met one-on-one on occasion, but this was an opportunity to get many of us together all in the same place at the same time, to…

Quite as you expected, traffic went down to the usual single reader (myself) as quickly as it rose. Thanks for your great coverage of our work and your role in directing attention to it. It's been a very exhausting couple of days and I'm rather glad that I can go back to regular experiments now :-)
Thanks again,


Thank you. And keep blogging and the traffic will grow - slowly and organically, and the readers will be of high quality. There are now many lurkers after this with your RSS in their feeds...