
I And The Bird is not the only carnival coming soon. You should also send your submissions to Panta Rei, Mendel's Garden, Encephalon, Circus of the Spineless, Festival of the Trees, Oekologie and Gene Genie very soon...


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Write about science and get exposure - send your stuff to carnivals. Calls for submissions have been announced for Tangled Bank, Grand Rounds, Skeptic's Circle, Mendel's Garden, Bio::Blogs, Encephalon, Circus of the Spineless, I And The Bird, Philosophia Naturalis, Change Of Shift, Radiology Grand…
While the conference site is down and before the new one is built, I need, for myself, a list of blog carnivals I follow, so here I am putting it here for my own reference (let me know if I am missing a delightful and useful carnival - if you manage one of them, make sure I am on your mailing list…
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