
Write about science and get exposure - send your stuff to carnivals.

Calls for submissions have been announced for Tangled Bank, Grand Rounds, Skeptic's Circle, Mendel's Garden, Bio::Blogs, Encephalon, Circus of the Spineless, I And The Bird, Philosophia Naturalis, Change Of Shift, Radiology Grand Rounds, Four Stone Hearth, Festival of the Trees, Oekologie, Teaching Carnival, History Carnival.

And you just missed submitting to the first Carnival of Postdocs as it just went live today, but you can apply to host the next one or submit your posts to the next edition.


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Thanks for the plug! Have you ever come across any carnivals of physical scientists? I've been looking around and haven't found anything on chemistry (in particular) or the rest.

Well, Philosophia Nauralis and Panta Rei are physics carnivals, but there is not enough chemistry blog yet to be able to sustain a chemistry carnival.