My Picks From ScienceDaily

Blind Dogs Can See After New Treatment For A Sudden Onset Blinding Disease:

If two dogs are any indication, Iowa State University veterinary researchers may have found a cure for a previously incurable disease that causes dogs to go blind suddenly.

Five New Species Of Sea Slugs Discovered In The Tropical Eastern Pacific:

The Tropical Eastern Pacific, a discrete biogeographic region that has an extremely high rate of endemism among its marine organisms, continues to yield a wealth of never-before-described marine animals to visiting scientists at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama.

Veterinarians At Increased Risk Of Avian Influenza Virus Infection:

Veterinarians who work with birds are at increased risk for infection with avian influenza virus and should be among those with priority access to pandemic influenza vaccines and antivirals, according to a study conducted by researchers in the University of Iowa College of Public Health.

Small-scale Agricultural Changes May Help Eradicate Widespread Disease:

Small changes in agricultural and sanitation practices may eliminate the spread of a disease that affects some 200 million people living in developing nations around the world.

Men Worry More About Penile Size Than Women, Says 60-year-old Research Review:

Does size matter? Men feel better if they are well-endowed but women don't always agree that bigger is better. Men with average-sized penises are much more likely to suffer from small penis syndrome. And some even use weights or encourage snakes to bite them to make themselves bigger, according to a research review spanning more than 60 years.

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tags: Birds in the News, BirdNews, ornithology, birds, avian, newsletter Yellow-eyed Junco, Junco phaeonotus: Resident in the mountains of southeastern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico. Preferred habitats include coniferous forests and pine-oak woods. Image: Dave Rintoul, KSU [larger] Birds…
I have to confess, when I saw a global map of average penis size flying around twitter, I was like a eighth grade boy finding his first nudie magazine - I couldn't help but take a peek. After a brief heart attack (it's in cm, not inches), my inner scientist started asking silly questions. You know…
Student guest post by Brandon Woods A Dangerous Paradise From jungles with jaguars to crystal blue lakes with freshwater sharks, Nicaragua is one of the most beautiful and dangerous countries in Central America. The brilliant biodiversity attracts millions of tourists each year and the looming…
The scientific community is all too familiar with the dangers an influenza pandemic could bring. The politicians and general public are starting to become aware of the issue as well; indeed, one can hardly open a newspaper or turn on the television without hearing about "bird flu." So, what's…