Blogging About Bush

Everyone always blogs about Bush...

After all, Bush is such an easy target - there is not a day that he or some of his buddies do not do something outrageously bad. And with the Media covering it as if it was OK, where else can one voice outrage if not on blogs.


So, it is refreshing to see people, for once, blogging about something else, for instance about bush...

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Ooops, not the Burning Bush...


And not this kind of bush either....

i-8a79e8ee1a320e97e555638d9004ca2f-bush topiary_elephants.jpg

But bush in the sense of "hair" you know....

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No, not that hair...

i-b95729c8cfbb88778850f60719241549-hair movie.jpg

No, not that hair either, this is a science blog, after all....


But, this kind of hair and this kind of hair and this kind of hair and this kind of hair and this kind of hair...

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bush is such a horrible president he is stealing from all of us all the time for some stupid war where everybody is dieing. Families suffering because their sons, brothers are deing. Bush has caused endless suffering and all he can do is waste more money on a stupid war. I just thank God that this world is still intact because if it wasn't for him we'd all be dead.

You are all blind, deaf, and dumb.
This world is not Utopia.
Bush is doing the best job possible for a mere mortal. Remember 9/11.
WE are at war with radical islamic murderers "REMEMBER".
Fools you are and slow of heart and mind.
Also, the economy is fabulous right now.
Less than a thousand "volunteer" soldiers have died per year since we took Iraq.
That is amazing for a war. And,

Hahahaha! Why such fear and insecurity? Did Daddy beat you up when you were a kid? You really believe their campaign of fear? You really think that terrorists are going to target YOU of all people - how arrogant. You are just a coward. Cowards got this idiot into the White House and cowards are keeping him there.

Al Qaida was invented by, and is still on the payroll of, the CIA. Dig it:

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we.
They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."

- George W.Bush and apparently he was not kidding

"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the
- Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's chief of propaganda

Goebbels said all, didn't he? In our brave new corporate world people feel safe and happy hearing sweet little lies...

George Bush is the biggest idiot ever to occupy the White House. How shameful that our foolish citizenry voted this jackass into office not once but twice. And now he goes to another country and tells more lies, berating his own countrymen. How utterly pathetic!