Blogging for a job?

Seen on a forum:

I just heard something interesting on the news and I'd like to toss it out to the community for your thoughts....

Forget resumes, job boards, cold calling and even going to the company. The "BIG THING" is Blogging for a Job.

It seems that many recrutiers find YOU by reading your blog.

If this is the way to go, how do you get one started? What do you put into it??



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Dude, you are so are going to need a personal assistant soon. You know, someone to handle the press, paparazzi, your fan club members...

Headhunters get either a flat fee, or a percentage of the first years earnings, so you need to copywright your "Hire Thru Blogs" procedure, and just sit back and rake in the dough. Almost as easy as being a preacher, but much less nauseating.

Like Dire Straits said: That ain't working,that's the way to do it. Money for nuthin' and chicks for free!

ps: Zuska - "Chicks for free" Is a song quote. This is in NO WAY close to my ideas, thoughts, dreams, or all past or future actions relating to women.

No women were actually harmed in the making of this post.

I'm a recruiter and that's exactly why I'm here !
It is true and it does work.

By Recruiter At Large (not verified) on 11 Jul 2007 #permalink

Recruiter At Large - Oh! Oh! Oh! Take me, Take me! I like my money for nuthin' and chicks for free!

Recruiter At Large - recruit me, nothing else has worked for me, I'd really like to see you find me a job.

By afarensis (not verified) on 11 Jul 2007 #permalink

LOL, But seriously;
Right now, I'm looking for IT/IS people

By Recruiter At Large (not verified) on 11 Jul 2007 #permalink

LOL, But seriously;
Right now, I'm looking for IT/IS people in
the Seattle WA region

By Recruiter At Large (not verified) on 11 Jul 2007 #permalink