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William Harris came to my university to perpetuate misconceptions last September. I intended to write a summary of the experience, but I could never muster enough anti-venom to deal with his poison. In lieu of a formal treatment of Harris's bullshit, I've decided to (quite tardily) present a…
Ok just kidding but you should really read this funny post from the Language Log mocking a Washington Post article about spear use in chimps. The Original: Chimpanzees living in the West African savannah have been observed fashioning deadly spears from sticks and using the tools to hunt small…
I'm sorry, Scott, but thinking you can engage Vox Day in a serious discussion of evolution is an act of hyper-optimistic lunacy. Hatfield has set the terms, and Day has replied … and his argument against evolution, if not nuts, is dishonest. He doesn't believe evolution could have occurred because…
The New Zealand Climate Science Coalition registered for their domain. A bit cheeky, given the dearth of actual climate scientists in their "coalition". Greenpeace New Zealand has countered by registering and and creating a web site…