Circus! Science Under the Big Top

Yesterday, I met Janet and her charming and brilliant sprogs at the Lawrence Hall of Science, where they have a cool exhibit called CIRCUS! Science Under the Big Top (which reminded me that I wanted to join the circus back when I was 18). One thing I did not know was that to get to the museum from Berkeley campus, it is a couple of miles of steep uphill, which I climbed on foot. Should have hitchiked!

Wifi is iffy right now, so I'll post as many pictures per post as the system will let me. First, just to show how high up the place is, the entire Bay Area is clearly visible - though, of course, covered in fog:

Left part of the view:
i-18e64f5a488379d1db395fb36b8c58be-Bay View 1.jpg

Middle part of the view (Bay Bridge and San Francisco):
i-33392bcf739f12ac6841d75d8965ae9b-Bay View 2.jpg

Middle-right part of the view:
i-bab64c2d9e9f659a36ed0c9542f66e6d-Bay View 3.jpg

Right part of the view - Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz invisible under the fog:
i-508bcc36f69738ba840f679796a9d0fc-Bay View 4.jpg


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