
I don't know why this post is one of the most popular of all times here, but I just discovered a relevant illustration to go with it: Bosco wrote a post in which he links to a whole bunch of pictures of a popular mascot (almost as popular as Professor Steve Steve).


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Lest you think I'm transforming the entire site into cute-baby-pictures-dot-com, let me reassure you that while the posting frequency may drop off a bit, Uncertain Principles will always be your go-to site for slightly ranty blogging about issues of science and larger culture. Well, one of them,…
Unfortunately, I was way too busy this week to come up with a new edition of Your Friday Dose of Woo. However, there's still stuff to be mined from the ancient history of this blog, stuff that most of you, my readers, have probably not seen. This one, for instance, dates back nearly two years (…
OK, this will be the last series of pictures of my Sciblings from the shindig of the past weekend. As you may have noticed, several others have posted their recollections and pictures on their blogs. You can also see some pictures on Flickr and Facebook and please add and tag more if you have…
Over at Greg's place, Brian Switek notes: Thanks for the link Greg (and thanks for the compliment, Steve). I've generally been unimpressed with Coyne's popular articles, especially given that he seems to go out of his way to attack Gould and evo-devo whenever it seems fit to do so (which is just…

Hey Bora,

Thanks for the link.

Had a really fun time meeting all your friends, real and virtual, in Berkeley. Thanks for explaining Plos One to me, I think I get it. And it is the future.

p.s. I took all the photos in my last trip to Europe.

I actually used to have one of the little figurines when I was a kid (not as bottle-openers, though, but Classic style).

Speaking of 'threading'...

In the fantasy Astra and Flondrix the author reveals that elves have two, while dwarfs' are threaded. Gor a dwarf sexual compatibility involves handedness, and sex most often includes pulleys and ropes. It can be a dizzying experience for the male.