Bravo, Bravissimo!

John Wilkins just published a paper (..."a review of the centenary festschrift for Mayr...") and got a book accepted for publication (the book grew out of series of excellent blog posts about species definitions - who says that blogging is bad for your health?)


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I have a review of the centenary festschrift for Mayr, published by the National Academies of Science, in the latest Biology and Philosophy here. I worked pretty hard on this one, so it's more than your average dashed off review article... Hey, Jody; Fitch, Walter M.; Ayala, Francisco J., eds.…
As the boundaries between formal and informal scientific communication is blurring - think of pre-print sites, Open Notebook Science and blogs, for starters - the issue of what is citable and how it should be cited is becoming more and more prominent. There is a very interesting discussion on this…
Well, The Day has arrived! After reading all of the 486 entries at least once (and many 2-3 times) and after calculating all of the judges' ratings of all the posts, Reed Cartwright and I are happy to announce which blog posts will be published in the second science blogging anthology, the "Open…

Almost right. I got some money from an article in a popular science magazine, COSMOS, which is a reworking of some blog posts I wrote. The money is going straight into my research account to help pay the subsidy for the book.

The book itself is based on ten years of hard research. All you need to do to write a book like this is spend a decade of your life obsessing over it...

By John Wilkins (not verified) on 15 Aug 2007 #permalink

Looking for John Wilkins, formerly of Mt. Prospect, IL, producer and director of groundbreaking indy film "The Mountainpath."

Dean Ennes

By Dean Ennes (not verified) on 01 Dec 2007 #permalink

Not me. At last count there are some ten living (and one dead) John Wilkinses on the web, including a mathematician, a physicist, a blues player, a religious journalist, and sundry others. None of them are film producers as far as I can tell.