Well, The Day has arrived! After reading all of the 486 entries at least once (and many 2-3 times) and after calculating all of the judges' ratings of all the posts, Reed Cartwright and I are happy to announce which blog posts will be published in the second science blogging anthology, the "Open Laboratory 2007".
First, I want to thank the judges (at least those who do not wish to remain anonymous - let me know if I missed one of you) for spending their holiday break reading, commenting on and grading all the submitted posts and making our job that much easier. Those are: Anna Kushnir, Greta Munger, Tiffany Cartwright, Karen James, Anne-Marie, Michelle Kiyota, The Ridger, Abel PharmBoy, John Dupuis, Blake Stacey, Greg Laden, Michael Rathbun, Jeremy Bruno, Egon Willighagen, Martin Rundkvist, Arunn Narasimhan, Mike Dunford, Steve Matheson, Brian Switek, Kevin Zelnio, Alex Palazzo, John Wilkins and Mike Bergin (and one or more anonymous referees). Please visit their sites, look around, boost their traffic and say Hello.
Like last year, the book will be published by Lulu.com, the on-demand online book publisher based here in the Triangle area of North Carolina.
I will post occasional updates on the process of turning all these posts into a book, which should be published and up for sale just in time for the 2nd Science Blogging Conference. And now, here are the winners...drumroll please...
The Poem:
Digital Cuttlefish
The Comic:
10000 Birds
Star Stryder
You are the Center of the Universe (and so am I, and so is Gursplex on Alpha Eck)
The Panda's Thumb
Stuck on you, biological Velcro and the evolution of adaptive immunity and Behe vs Sea Squirts, fused into a single article.
Bad Astronomy
Happy New Year Arbitrary Orbital Marker!
Would you give your baby someone else's breast milk?
Anterior Commissure
Why we bond - Individual recognition, evolution, and brain size
Retrospectacle: A Neuroscience Blog
How Much LSD Does It Take to Kill an Elephant
Visiting the Wenas mammoth and Looking for drowned mammoths fused into a single essay.
The Questionable Authority
Adam, Eve, and why they never got married
Bootstrap Analysis
Cocktail Party Physics
Evolving Thoughts
Coffee Talk
What is the meaning of (grad student) life?
A Blog Around The Clock
The Scientific Paper: past, present and probable future
Your Folks, My Folks in Prehistory
Creek Running North
Thoughts from Kansas
Neither means, motive nor opportunity: a guide to dysteleology
Deanne Taylor's blog
Deep-Sea News
Our Ocean Future: The Glass Half Empty and Our Ocean Future: The Glass Half Full fused into a single article.
SMILES and Aromaticity: Broken?
Duas Quartunciae
Effect Measure
Tamiflu resistance: digging beneath the headlines
The End Of The Pier Show
No Girrafes On Unicycles Beyond This Point
The Loom
The Pump Handle
Popcorn Lung Coming to Your Kitchen? The FDA Doesn't Want to Know
Denialism blog
The Road to Sildenafil - A history of artifical erections
The Other 95%
Anemones Raise a Tentacle in Support of Evolution
Highly Allochthonous
Invasive Species Weblog
Homo sapiens: What We Think About Who We Are (Redux)
Life of a Lab Rat
Riding with the King (also found here)
Living the Scientific Life
Schemochromes: The Physics of Structural Plumage Colors
The Primate Diaries
The First Fossil Hunters: Paleontology in Greek and Roman Times
All of My Faults Are Stress Related
Mind the Gap
In which I leap into the Void, In which I lift my finger from the 'pause' button, In which I contemplate the road taken, not taken, then re-taken and In which I rejoice in muscle memory fused into a single essay.
Omni Brain
How moving your eyes in a specific way can help you solve a problem
Minor Revisions
Sloppy Thinking about Homeopathy from The Guardian
An illustrated history of trepanation
Notes from Ukraine
The Chernobyl liquidators: incredible men with incredible stories (Part 1), (Part 2), (Part 3) and Musings about the liquidators fused into a single article.
Segmentation genes evolved undesigned
Pondering Pikaia
Quintessence of Dust
They selected teosinte...and got corn. Excellent!
Adventures in Ethics and Science
Getting ethics to catch on with scientists
Schneier on Security
Stranger Fruit
Pithecophobes of the World, Unite! Part I, Part II, Part III and Part IV all four fused into a single article.
Update: Thanks to people who have linked to this post and spread the news: Corie Lok, Karen James, Egon Willighagen, Martin Rundkvist, Steve Matheson, Brian Switek, Mike Bergin, RPM, Reed Cartwright, Phil Plait, Shelley Batts, John McKay, Sabine Hossenfelder, Josh Rosenau, Craig McClain, Carl Zimmer, Jennifer Forman Orth, Richard Grant, Grrrlscientist, Afarensis, Steve Higgins, post-doc, Mo, John Lynch, Neil Saunders, Seed Daily Zeitgeist, Edwin Bendyk, Microecos, crazyharp81602, Reed Cartwright (pick up your badges here), Chad Orzel, Carl Feagans, Larry Moran, The Ridger, John Dupuis, Jake Young, Massimo Morelli, Revere, King Aardvark, Grrrlscientist, Brandon, Podblack Cat, Alex Palazzo, Graham Steel, Sciencewoman
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Hearty congratulations to all the lucky winners!
Wow, what a great list! Thanks for picking one of mine, too. I'm looking forward to seeing them in print!
"lucky winners" pshh.... its sweet sweet blogging skillz - not luck! lol
I thank you, and the tapeworms thank you too.
Looks like some interesting reading. Standing by for my standing "buy" at lu-lu.
the "Nestle' Dark Matter" illustration from the Back Reaction post might have been a good cartoon entry all by itself!
Excellent picks! I can't wait to see all the winning posts in print (and thanks for picking one of mine, too).
i am so pleased that one of mine was included, too! i can hardly wait to tell my readers how to purchase their copy of this book.
Lovely list of final choices. Great job.
Shoot! I lost! :(
Thank you all. I wish we could include more. We could have made additional five volumes without reducing the overall quality. Making the decisions was really hard!
Thanks for picking my drugged out elephants!
Thanks, Bora and Reed and all the judges, for spending your holidays reading so many submissions. Grading and judging, even when the writing is good, is hard work!
Thanks for your long list of suggestions! It must be excellent.