My picks from ScienceDaily (the Brain Edition)

Viagra Increases Release Of Key Reproductive Hormone, Study Finds:

Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison report this month that sildenafil increases the amount of oxytocin released by stimulation of the posterior pituitary gland, a small structure directly underneath the brain that regulates hormone levels in response to neural signals.

Mice Provide Important Clues To Obsessive-compulsive Disorder:

Mice born without a key brain protein compulsively groom their faces until they bleed and are afraid to venture out of the corner of their cages. When given a replacement dose of the protein in a specific region of the brain, or the drugs used to treat humans suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), many of these mice seem to get better.

Brain Research Shows Why Long-term Drug Users Just Can't Say No:

New research from the University of Melbourne has shed new light on why long term drug users find it hard to say no, despite dire consequences to their health. A study into the frontal cortex, the key region of the brain involved in decision making, has shown that drug users have to place much greater demand on the brain to control impulses.

Longer Life? 'Longevity' Genes Protect Very Old People From The Bad Genes' Harmful Effects:

People who live to 100 or more are known to have just as many--and sometimes even more--harmful gene variants compared with younger people. Now, scientists at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University have discovered the secret behind this paradox: favorable "longevity" genes that protect very old people from the bad genes' harmful effects. The novel method used by the researchers could lead to new drugs to protect against age-related diseases.

Tone Deafness Explained:

Do people cringe when you sing? You've got company. But researchers have found that only 1 in 20 people truly has amusia, the technical term for tone deafness. Tests have shown that some people with bad singing voices hear music just fine. Amusics are a smaller group with a perceptual problem: They can't pick out differences in pitch or follow the simplest tunes, reports the September 2007 issue of the Harvard Health Letter.

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TRICHOTILLOMANIA (or hair pulling) is a condition characterised by excessive grooming and strong, repeated urges pull out one's own hair. It is classified as an obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and is relatively common, affecting about 2 in 100 people. Sufferers normally feel an increasing…
Over at Sciam's Mind Matters blog, Greta and I have written a guest post about tone deafness and bad singing: Although there have been many studies of perceptual tone deafness, or amusia, few have compared people's ability to hear differences between musical notes with their ability to produce good…
One of the articles that I read, early in my career, that influenced the way I think about neuroscience, was this one: href="">Caudate glucose metabolic rate changes with both drug and behavior therapy for obsessive-compulsive…
Honey Bees Can Tell The Difference Between Different Numbers At A Glance: The remarkable honey bee can tell the difference between different numbers at a glance. A fresh, astonishing revelation about the 'numeracy' of insects has emerged from new research by an international team of scientists…

I had a vasectamy in dec of 2003.Afterwords I became lathargic and didn't have no ambition to go anywhere.I had a bloodtest that showed my testoterone level had droped drasticley and found out my pituatary gland had shut down.I now take depo testosterone shots every three weeks,So my question is this if i was to get a vesectamy reversal do you think my body could heal itself.

By Chad Cowman (not verified) on 04 Sep 2007 #permalink