My picks from ScienceDaily

Nicotine In Breast Milk Disrupts Infants' Sleep Patterns:

A study from the Monell Chemical Senses Center reports that nicotine in the breast milk of lactating mothers who smoke cigarettes disrupts their infants' sleep patterns.

River Blindness Parasite Becoming Resistant To Standard Treatment:

Ivermectin, the standard drug for treating river blindness (onchocerciasis), is causing genetic changes in the parasite that causes the disease, according to a new study by Roger Prichard (McGill University, Canada) and colleagues, published on August 30, 2007 in the open-access journal PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases.

Small Animal Imaging Facility Is Big Boon To Research:

When powerful magnets line up the body's protons before radiofrequency waves can grab their attention away, it's called spin physics. When signals generated by the movement are mathematically transformed into dramatic images of hearts, lungs and other organs it's called a magnetic resonance image.

First Beehives In Ancient Near East Discovered:

Archaeological proof of the Biblical description of Israel really as "the land of milk and honey" (or at least the latter) has been uncovered by researchers from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Institute of Archaeology.

Fighting Malaria By Tricking Mosquito's Sense Of Smell:

By mapping a specialized sensory organ that the malaria mosquito uses to zero in on its human prey, an international team of researchers has taken an important step toward developing new and improved repellents and attractants that can be used to reduce the threat of malaria, generally considered the most prevalent life-threatening disease in the world.

Neurotransmitter Current Not Flowing Through Ion Channels:

In studying how neurotransmitters travel between cells -- by analysis of events in the dimensions of nanometers -- Cornell researchers have discovered that an electrical current thought to be present during that process does not, in fact, exist.

How Drones Find Queens: Odorant Receptor For Queen Bee Pheromone Identified:

The mating ritual of the honey bee is a mysterious affair, occurring at dizzying heights in zones identifiable only to a queen and the horde of drones that court her. Now a research team led by the University of Illinois has identified an odorant receptor that allows male drones to find a queen in flight. The receptor, on the male antennae, can detect an available queen up to 60 meters away.

Gender And Handedness Influences On Monkeys' Brains Similar To Humans:

Capuchin monkeys are playful, inquisitive primates known for their manual dexterity, complex social behavior, and cognitive abilities. New research now shows that just like humans, they display a fundamental sex difference in the organization of the brain, specifically in the corpus callosum, the region that connects the two cerebral lobes.

Investigating The Evolution Of Drug Resistance In Malaria Parasites:

Funded by a $1.5 million grant from the National Institutes of Health, scientists at Binghamton University, State University of New York, hope to understand how the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum evolved resistance to the once-effective medication chloroquine.


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