New on....

Chris Clarke explains eloquently what is, essentially, my blog commenting policy (though I transgress on other people's blogs...sorry).

The Senate vote on the mandatory free access to NIH-funded research has been postponed, which gives you all a few more days to do your part!

John Dupuis interviews Richard Akerman. I met Richard at Scifoo, and John is coming to SBC. Both are science bloggers interested in new technologies and how they impact science libraries, so the interview is quite enlightening.

Dicyemida: Leading a double life - an invertebrate you probably never heard of, but if you love Cephalopods you should get worried....

Friday Ark #159 is up on The Modulator and Steve has picthed the Animeme to just the right audience for it. More and more posts are sprouting around the Web responding to the meme.

How to use Facebook as part of your business strategy - an excellent article by Steve Outing.

Waaay coool: Eigenfactor: Ranking and mapping scientific knowledge

Medical Student Bloggers, Best Medical Blogs and another list of Best Medical Blogs.

Evo-devo of mammalian molars - PZ Myers in his finest science blogging style (but read the preamble first).

Council of Europe accepts resolution opposing the teaching of creationism as a scientific discipline - read PvM and Archy.

Development of assymetry in the nervous system.

Spandrels: here, here and here.

RPM of evolgen is posting original, previously unpublished data on his blog. See the entire series (so far) here, here, here, here, here and here.


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