Converting your e-mail address to ASCII

If you go here:
and type in your email address, it will convert it to ASCII, thus making it harder for bots to pick up the address, while making it easier for readers to copy and paste without having to remove 'AT' and "DOT'. Hat-tip: Soni Pitts, my new Converger friend.


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There are various ways to hide email addresses from the source code and each method can be bypassed given enough attention. Having said that, the key to have your email address available to your readers is to pick a method that is accessible and usable by them as well as whatever is technology feasible for you. It is a matter of competing against resources in a smart way when it comes to having our emails public.

I nice way to collect working e-mail addresses.
(Me? Paranoid?)

By Lassi Hippeläinen (not verified) on 24 Oct 2007 #permalink

Okay, let me ask the obvious question: Do spammers ordinarily run a ROT13 and then try to extract addresses from the results? If not, then there are free desktop widgets to rotate text strings for you.

Example: ebtre_enzwrg@nby.pbz is the 13-rotation of

They'd be welcome to try attacking 'nby.pbz' but I doubt they'd get anywhere.