I know, it's the name of a bar. In Boston. I'll be there tomorrow night around 8pm. Warming up for Publishing in the New Millennium: A Forum on Publishing in the Biosciences. Alex will be there. Anna will be there. Some others. You, too, if you can.
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Bora (from A Blog Around the Clock) will be in Boston tomorrow. If anyone is interested you can meet us at the Miracle of Science Bar - we'll try to get there by 8PM. Friday, Bora will be discussing the future of science communication at the mini conference entitled Publishing in the New Millennium…
Back at Scifoo I met Anna Kushnir. And then we met again. And then, inspired by the conversations at Scifoo, Anna decided to organize a day-long, student-hosted conference about the future of scientific publishing - Publishing in the New Millennium: A Forum on Publishing in the Biosciences. And…
For those in the Boston metro area.
First up, next Friday, November 9th, there will be a conference being held here at the Medical Campus entitled Publishing in the New Millennium: A Forum on Publishing in the Biosciences. Not only is fellow blogger Anna Kushnir part of the organizing committee,…
This is where I will be next:
"Publishing in the New Millennium: A Forum on Publishing in the Biosciences"
Friday, November 9, 1:00 - 6:00 pm
TMEC Walter Amphitheater, Harvard Medical School
260 Longwood Ave, Boston, MA 02115
This is a student-organized conference…