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Follow me on Twitter to get these, and more, in something closer to Real Time (all my tweets are also imported into FriendFeed where they are much more easy to search and comment on, as well as into my Facebook wall where they are seen by quite a different set of people): Secret copyright treaty…
Food: Where's the schmaltz? Look no further... How religious curbs lead to great food (take with a grain of salt....and pepper and garlic). My mother's sarma recipe will come shortly... Drink: Ask the expert on vodka: Just Like Water, But Better What are you drinking tonight at midnight? The Friday…
Follow me on Twitter to get these, and more, in something closer to Real Time (all my tweets are also imported into FriendFeed where they are much more easy to search and comment on, as well as into my Facebook wall where they are seen by quite a different set of people): On science writing and…
Setshot: Basketball for the Aging and Infirm: "Worse than he thinks": Self-image versus ability "To me, the worst players to run with (aside from the belligerent and insane) are those with drastically inflated self-images. You know these players. They're the ones who think that they're the best…

Aww - after looking at the excerpt from this posting on the "Last 24 Hours" page, I came here hoping to learn just how it happened that Birth Of A Nation Paralyzed Bad Science Journalism...

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 17 Mar 2008 #permalink

Thanks for the "3.14" link! I am glad that you are following this little blog. Scienceblogs could really use some writing about Space. If you ever need another blog...