Expelled Exposed

If everyone links to Expelled Exposed by using the term Expelled, perhaps we can move it up to #1 on Google:


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These stories are true, however names and a few details have been changed to hide the identity of parties involved. Anecdote #1: Let's just say a college professor and science-blogger, we'll call him Dr. Bob, assigns a term paper on ecology to his class. The semester is winding to a close, and…
I'm at a workshop on eChemistry today, and we were asked to prepare position statements. I'm not going to blog the conference - it's a private thing - but figured I would post my position statement here. We were asked to answer some questions. I chose to answer this one: "do you assess the…
Sunlight is the best disinfectant. And many bloggers' eyes and typing fingers bring a lot of sunlight to whatever anyone is trying hide. This makes bloggers dangerous to many entrenched and powerful interests. Not that bloggers are Martians, recent arrivals on this planet, to be treated as a '…
With my love for fractals, added to my experiences with a gigantic wasp/ladybug colony springing to order in front of my home, the subject of emergent behavior should feel quite natural to me. Indeed, as I listened to Monday night's program on NPR on emergence, I was not disappointed. Listening to…

I just looked, and it's down to #5 *sigh*