
Anna Kushnir is now to be referred to as Doctor Anna Kushnir!


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Back at Scifoo I met Anna Kushnir. And then we met again. And then, inspired by the conversations at Scifoo, Anna decided to organize a day-long, student-hosted conference about the future of scientific publishing - Publishing in the New Millennium: A Forum on Publishing in the Biosciences. And…

Thank you so much, Bora! Whew. I am very excited to get back to my life now. I have to catch up on your blog! Good to have you back from all your travels.

I never mind calling a freshly-minted doctor "Doctor." What I dislike is the person who gets his Master's degree and wants me to call him "Master." Phooey on that!

Congratulations, Dr. Kushnir! I don't know you and you don't know me, but congratulations!