My Picks From ScienceDaily

Gene Mutations In Mice Mimic Human-like Sleep Disorder:

Mutations in two genes that control electrical excitability in a portion of the brain involved in sleep create a human-like insomnia disorder in mice, UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers have found. The findings may help scientists better understand the disorder and provide an animal model for developing treatments.

Food-related Clock In The Brain Identified:

In investigating the intricacies of the body's biological rhythms, scientists at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) have discovered the existence of a "food-related clock" which can supersede the "light-based" master clock that serves as the body's primary timekeeper.

High-school Girls Who Consider Themselves Attractive Are More Likely To Be Targets For Bullying:

University of Alberta Educational Psychology PhD student Lindsey Leenaars has completed a study that assessed what types of high school students are being indirectly victimized. This includes being involved in emotionally damaging scenarios such as receiving hurtful anonymous notes, being socially excluded, or having rumours spread about them, including threats of physical harm.

Estrogen Fuels Female Need For Power And Control:

New University of Michigan psychology research suggests that the sex hormone estrogen may be for women what testosterone is for men: The fuel of power.

Video Games Can Make Us Creative If Spark Is Right:

Video games that energize players and induce a positive mood could also enhance creativity, according to media researchers. However, the study also finds that players who were not highly energized and had a negative mood, registered the highest creativity.

Public Schools As Good As Private Schools In Raising Math Scores, Study Says:

Students in public schools learn as much or more math between kindergarten and fifth grade as similar students in private schools, according to a new University of Illinois study of multi-year, longitudinal data on nearly 10,000 students.


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Sleep Selectively Preserves Emotional Memories: As poets, songwriters and authors have described, our memories range from misty water-colored recollections to vividly detailed images of the times of our lives. Now, a study led by researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) and…
tags:, bipolar disorder, manic-depressive illness, unipolar depressive disorder, clinical depression, seasonal affective disorder, SAD, circadian clock, light therapy "Starry Night" (1889) is an oil painting by Dutch post-impressionist artist Vincent van Gogh. It was added to…
Here is the second post on the topic, from March 28, 2006. A couple of links are broken due to medieval understanding of permalinks by newspapers, but you will not miss too much, I hope.... Health Journal: Doctors probe why it's hard for many kids to get up (also Night Owls: Disorder may cause…
Circadian Rhythm: How Cells Tell Time: The fuzzy pale mold that lines the glass tubes in Dr. Yi Liu's lab doesn't look much like a clock. But this fungus has an internal, cell-based timekeeper nearly as sophisticated as a human's, allowing UT Southwestern Medical Center physiologists to study…

The "fasting to avoid jet lag" idea in the food related clock article sounds very intriguing. 16 hours of fasting
and then a healthy meal on arrival to reset the clock.

I'm currently on a intercontinental trip and tend to always have bad jetlag troubles when I come back. Perhaps I should
test that on myself when I go back.

I wonder if the trick depends on when the flight arrives
though. I assume the meal would restart the beginning of a awake period. Perhaps it only works for flights arriving in the morning?