Today's carnivals

106th Tangled Bank is up on Nobel Intent

173rd edition of the Carnival of Education is up on Bluebird's Classroom


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And it must also be time for the 106th edition of the Tangled Bank. Read it! Check back at Pharyngula later — I've just arrived at the IEDG 2008 conference on Integrating Evolution, Development, and Genomics, and I'll be filling you all in on the latest juicy cool evo-devo stuff.
Here's the most recent carnivalia for you to read and enjoy; Carnival of the Vanities, 16 October 2008 edition. This blog carnival, the grand dame of them all, focuses on the very best writing on any topic in the blogosphere. Tangled Bank, 116th edition. This is the classic science and medicine…
The 103rd edition of the Tangled Bank is up on rENNISance woman (I think this is the first time TB has been hosted on the Nature Network - lovely!). Encephalon #43 is up on GNIF Brain Blogger Grand Rounds Volume 4, Number 30 is now up on Women's Health News The 167th edition of The Carnival of…
Carnival of the Blue #8 is up on I'm a chordata, urochordata! Tangled Bank #96 is up on Aardvarchaeology Carnival of the Liberals #55 is up on The Greenbelt The 153rd edition of the Carnival of Education is up on Columbus Education Association