Around the blogs....

Bouphonia: The Conservatism to Come.

SciCurious: Weird Science: it's Friday!. Since I do not have time and energy for my Friday Weird Sex Blogging series, I am glad that someone picked up on it. This post is about condoms and why they break.

Echidne: He Loved Horses

Two excellent posts and comment threads - I wish these guys were blogging back when I was in grad school: PhysioProf: Strategic Planning: How To Complete Fascinating Projects And Publish Them In Top Journals and DrugMonkey: Strategic Planning: How to Secure Funding in a Climate of Arbitrary Selection

Anna Kushnir wrote a letter to WIRED Science: Why are Senior Female Scientists so Heavily Outnumbered by Men? There are mysogynist idiots in the comments who need a dose of organic shoe-polish....

Sukhdev in Web Land: What can Bloggers do for Open Access? and Open Access: What it is and why it is required for scholarly community?

A little promotional stuff: I'm Sorry I Haven't a Kluge and It takes a village.

Jay Rosen: What Happened to Scott McClellan in Longer Perspective: 100 Years of the White House Press

Henry Gee: The Ecology at the Maison Des Girrafes and The Zoology at the Maison Des Girrafes.

Janet comments on this article: Journals Find Fakery in Many Images Submitted to Support Research

So, Bill Clinton did not, in kids' minds, change the definition of sex.

Are they nuts? Belgian media reject 20th and 21st century.

Do you know the nationality of scientists? Quiz Time! Part 2: country of origin

Glenn Greenwald: Scott McClellan on the 'liberal media', Network news anchors praise the job they did in the run-up to the war, CNN/MSNBC reporter: Corporate executives forced pro-Bush, pro-war narrative, The right-wing Politico cesspool and Interview with former 'Donahue' producer and MSNBC pundit Jeff Cohen.

Carl Zimmer on E.coli.

Jonathan Eisen: Top 10 Things Francis Collins Might Do After NHGRI


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