Search for PPT slideshows by keyword

Go to, type in a keyword, and it will do a search of slideshows that contain that word. I typed "circadian" and found a lot....

Hat-tip: Ana

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Interesting site. It has some Art History PPT's too. Be careful though, I noticed some copyright infringement. While they can be used in a fair use scenario, using them as a pitch for a commercial enterprise could be problematic.

By Onkel Bob (not verified) on 03 Jun 2008 #permalink

Google has ppt option in advance settings. Slideworld has returned almost same results that I got with google ppt search.

Google has ppt option in advance settings. Slideworld has returned almost same results that I got with google ppt search. Is there any site with the URL "".

I checked to see if the slides from my non-majors course in circadian rhythms were there, but when they weren't I remembered that I posted them to the course site as PDFs to save space. I wonder how many other people's slides are missed for the same reason, and how to compensate for that.

watch it Total copyright infringment, these guys are worse than thieves. thats why, they keep on changing their names. If you download any slides, they have cookies which are taking lot of your personal information. Watchit.

By jane smith (not verified) on 06 Sep 2008 #permalink

I agree, total infringement of someone's hard work. Where are copyright lawyers.
These guys should be sued heavily.
Hope its not some medical person's(someone mentioned in a webblog that this is a cardiologist website) work otherwise he/she may lose his License to practice.