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JenDodd It's Alive!! David Hone's Archosaur Musings Visualizing Evolution Ruminations of An Aspiring Ecologist BPR3 (new address)
There's a new way to gauge your importance on the 'Net, a little app in beta stage called QDOS. The forumula used to compile your QDOS number (which made me think of Erdos number) is a propriatary blend of Myspace, Facebook, activity, searches, popularity, blogging, online buying, chatting, and…
I first saw about this on Pharyngula the other day and I think it is a majestic idea! A group of Brits are trying to build a replica of HMS "Beagle" and, on the Darwin Bicentennial in 2009, sail around the world following the exact path Charles Darwin made on his historic voyage. Have scientists…
Yes, indeed the DVDs are now available on a first-come, first serve basis. The NSTA has a link to the DVD giveaway page. And the NABT (National Association of Biology Teachers) has written about it, too. From the NABT: The DVD's will be given away starting Monday, December 18, 2006 thru Thursday…