What's Your Internet Importance? (Your QDos Number)

There's a new way to gauge your importance on the 'Net, a little app in beta stage called QDOS. The forumula used to compile your QDOS number (which made me think of Erdos number) is a propriatary blend of Myspace, Facebook, activity, searches, popularity, blogging, online buying, chatting, and more.

"We're trying to find a way for the consumer to take ownership of their digital status," said Tom Ilobe, chief executive of Garlik (as in, "powerful stuff," one of its mottoes). "Businesses are doing it pretty well, but the consumer is in danger of being left out of the game. Their information is in so many other people's hands."

"What we're trying to do is get people engaged with their digital status. If we as a company can get millions of people engaged, they will tell us what services they want in identity protection," he said.

The QDos website requires that you register (just enter your email address) and will send you an invite to participate in the beta testing. Then you can go compare your QDos number against Britney Spears, Stephen Hawking, Miley Cyrus, and whoever else. A bit reminescent of Big Brother (if QDos knows, who else does?), but could be fun.


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"What we're trying to do is get people engaged with their digital status. If we as a company can get millions of people engaged, they will tell us what services they want in identity protection," he said.

Sounds like it could end up being a pretty important service! The digital age is complex and letting people regulate their lives more could be real convenient!
Dave Briggs :~)

After I signed up and got the beta invite email, I had somewhere in the 2200 range. Then 3560, then down, up. I guess beta means they're still working out the kinks.