Sleep and Circadian group on Graduate Junction

There is now a Sleep and Circadian group on Graduate Junction so if you are a student or postdoc in the field, and enough of you join up, we can see if can get some discussions going....

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I am interested in your BLOG / topic, "Sleep and Ciracadian". I just heard on RTS - Radio progr. 2,an interview with Mr. Bora Zivkovic.
I am well enough educated in technics(Univ. degree- Architecture, (Belgrade Univer.), + ms in Civil Eng. (Colo.USA). Am 67 y.o., now active in Arts & Real estates.,
some sports.
I had a health problem since 30 years ago, so far nobody (medical people) could healp me, so am constantly taking
medication in order to start a sleep! Would like, if possible, to learn more about it. I thank you if you let me in the BLOG. I got the e-mail (personal?) adress of Mr.B.Zivkovic, but I am trying now to become one of your members of the BLOG. Thanks. Brana Ckonjevic
Email adress: (under a name Helene Basis)
My name: Branislava Ckonjevic

By Brana Ckonjevic (not verified) on 14 Jul 2008 #permalink

There is also a Research Triangle Researchers group at Graduate Junction that is currently pretty lonely. I thought it would be a good place to discuss the academic life in the Triangle.