
I got a million and a half invitations to the Big Blogger Bash in Raleigh the other day, but unfortunately I could not make it.

At the bash, Ginny Skalski and Wayne Sutton unveiled their brand new project - a website called 30Threads, which will cover all sorts of locally interesting stories and engage the local community. It certainly already has interesting stories and an interesting and novel layout. Looks like the media of the 21st century should look like (especially after all but hyper-local newspapers die out or completely move online).

I bookmarked it and will keep an eye - it looks very cool, but then, I know Ginny and Wayne are cool people so I am not in the least bit surprised ;-)

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We love you Boro and just wanted you to come to the blogger bash too! :)

Thanks for the post, sorry about all the invites.

By the way, I saw you on FriendFeed but still not on twitter?
