Four years!

How much is four blog years in dog years? Half a century?

After about a year of posting comments elsewhere, I started my first blog and my first post on August 18th, 2004. Seems like a lifetime ago....

More like this

It seems that I'm down with the memes again, for as I was searching for some Thoughts in a Haystack I managed to once again become infected. Indeed, John has asked me to put my money where my mouth is when it comes to throwing around words like "pseudoextinction" in reference to my blog, and hence…
We just realized that today is our fifth blogiversary. Young if you are a human, prime of life if you are a dog, but Methuselah if you are a blog. We've not gone dark for a single day in those five years, although on many we've thought about turning off the lights permanently. But we're still here…
This is a guest post from John Mashey. An amusing coincidence surfaced a few days ago, relating the US Presidential campaign of Texas Governor Rick Perry to the Peter Wood kerfuffle at Chronicle of Higher Education (CHE), including the stir in some parts of the blogosphere. I explain that, followed…
Paper number 0000001 was published in PLoS ONE on December 20th 2006 - exactly two years ago. So, we will have various types of celebrations, of course. One of those, the one you can and should participate in, is the Second Birthday Synchroblogging Competition. So, how does it go? How can you…

Thank you. I wonder how many new readers waste their time rummaging through the 6000+ posts in the archives, but I often think my blogging was better before than it is now.... (does everyone?)

Congratulations, Coturnix! :)

By Interrobang (not verified) on 18 Aug 2008 #permalink

I sometimes do. Mainly whenever you refer to an old post, which leaves me digging around. Sadly, I'm much too busy right now to do a lot of blogging, both reading and writing. Still trying to finish the research and write the diss. Sigh... Once it's over though, I may just take a month off to read whatever I want, including old blogposts by you.