When AP makes a funny typo.

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Hat-tip to Anonymoses (also see Kevin Z)

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Hah! That's hilarious. Of course, since the letter 'r' is nowhere near the 'p' or the 'i' on the keyboard, that's unlikely to be a true typo. Either it's a Freudian slip, or perhaps some deliberate mischief by the reporter.

Ah...curiouser and curiouser. According to Wikipedia, there have been some allegations of conservative bias on Ms. Pickler's part. So it definitely wouldn't be a case of deliberate mischief. But a Freudian slip is certainly possible, especially if we imagine some small part of her psyche revolting against the remainder.

Now whenever I see her byline, I'm sure I'm going to be misreading it as "Nedra Prickler".

It's very, very funny because it's very, very true.