What is a Community Organizer?


A smelly anti-american islamo-facist seeking to destroy the Nation of Christ the Founding Fathers created and replace it with an oppressive communist regime. Thats what a community organiser is.

A tell tale sign someone might be one of these Minions of the Antichrist is if they suggest the glorious leaders may, in the past, that advocated such unpatriotic things like "community organisation".

If you suspect someone of such vile deeds, do not approach the dangeous individual but contact the Office of Homeland Harmony immediately.

Excellent points, thank you for sharing what community organizing is really all about.

By Katy Stewart (not verified) on 04 Sep 2008 #permalink

If you're saying Obama is on the same playing field as every "community organizer" that you mention, then wow...I need to read the stuff you've read. Because as far as I know, he did the job for a few years and his accomplishments don't even come close to...Jesus, MLK, Susan B. Anthony...etc.

Gov. Palin questioned Obama's job as a community organize, not MLK. Gov Palin is an elected lawmaker, not a community organizer. I see your point in what you think is hypocrisy, but come on, why bother trying to spin it around to say that elected officials are "community organizers," a term only becoming more used in 2008. So while you are laughing at Gov Palin, I'm laughing at you.

A Hillary Voter Supporting McCain