Palin - the fundraiser

It worked so well for them:

The cash keeps flowing in to the Obama campaign in the wake of Sarah Palin's speech, suggesting that whatever effect she's had on the GOP base has been duplicated on the Democratic side.

Obama spokesperson Tommy Vietor confirms that the campaign has now pulled in over $10 million since her speech -- a "one day record," Vietor says.

"I hope she gives a speech every day," Vietor joked.

Separately, the RNC reportedly raised $1 million after the speech.

You know Obama was not my man in the primaries. I really made my decision to vote for him instead of Clinton on the day of the NC primary. But I am on board now. Last night was the first time I gave him a donation. I did it because of what I saw at the RNC Convention.

With McCain stuck with federal funding and capped at $85 million (Obama already has about twice as much), with the obvious Republican strategy to energize the base while alienating the independents, with the press peeved at GOP for being attacked, and with the strength of Obama's ground organization, I am now feeling much more confident about the election.


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Like you, I initially had concerns about Obama -- mostly his inexperience. He addressed that with his pick of Biden, and I think he's proved himself capable of governing simply by the tight, well-organized campaign he's run, and how well he;s weathered the smear attacks.

I wish I shared your confidence in the election outcome. I think it's going to be neck and neck right down to the wire, and ultimately it'll come down to voter turnout. Which is why, for the first time in my life, I just volunteered to help register new voters in Vegas next weekend (Nevada is a battleground state). Somewhere, hell is freezing over. :)

I guess I feel this is one of those battles, win or lose, that has to be fought.

I won't feel confident until the election is over and the electoral votes are tallied. I also sent in a donation, but before the DNC convention. I'll send another.

In order to win, the Obama campaign is going to have to go after McCain/Palin as if they are 5 points behind in the polls, and not take one vote for granted.

Including the votes of the atheists.