This is what Republicans really think about Palin

Yes. This segment REALLY ran on TV!


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Democrat? Yes.
Liberal? Hardly - actually quite a corporate, conservative Democrat.
Idiot? Sure.
Saying out loud exactly how the Republican base thinks about Palin? Absolutely.

If you follow the link I provided, you will see that he supported your candidate, John Edwards, in the 2008 primary.

As for the Republican base, you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. It couldn't be farther from the truth.

By Neuro-conservative (not verified) on 05 Sep 2008 #permalink

I am surrounded by the Republican base. I know exactly what it is - and it is scary.

You are shadow-boxing a fantasy of your own creation.

And I have only heard vile, sexist smears against Gov. Palin emerging from the fever swamps of the left.

By Neuro-conservative (not verified) on 05 Sep 2008 #permalink

You must have been looking hard specifically for them, then, as I spent the last week reading feminist, Lefty blogs decrying the sexism. Tell us, why are you so excited about sex(ism), so suddenly?

I have long been interested in the tendency of the left, including their allies in the mainstream media, to demonize and lie about their opponents. In particular, when members of their designated special interest groups (minorities, women, gays, etc) stray off the left-wing reservation, the smear campaign tends to be particularly vicious and unhinged -- just ask Clarence Thomas.

Also, it is disingenuous to say that you have to look hard for this garbage. The NY Times ran 3 stories on the front page on the same day. Newsweek, Time, the Atlantic -- these are not exactly obscure publications, and one doesn't have to look too hard to find the Daily Kos.

By Neuro-conservative (not verified) on 05 Sep 2008 #permalink

Links, please?

There were sexist diaries on DailyKos and posts on some blogs. They were denounced by US, LIBERALS first!

The articles in Corporate media asked questions about her background - nothing sexist about it. It is the GOP tactic: say something about Palin, then when anyone repats it, smear the press for sexism and invasion of privacy.

Everything about Palin we first heard from her, McCain or spokesmen. They are feeding us personal tidbits, then lashing out when we ask questions, or even just repeating those tidbits in the media or blogs. This is, IMHO, their conscious strategy to turn the Media+blogs+Democrats+Obama into the "enemy" and invoke the persecution complex and fear with the base (which, as the name suggests, votes on base instincts).

There is not enough time between now and the election for me to round up all of the links, but here is a master link to a thorough debunking, demonstrating that the MSM was not asking questions, it was simply making stuff up. Oh hey, here's another compilation site that I just found.

Again, you are being disingenuous. Sally Quinn is hardly an obscure blogger.

Bottom line: the entire premise of your post is 180 degrees removed from the truth.

By Neuro-conservative (not verified) on 05 Sep 2008 #permalink

I have long been interested in the tendency of the left, including their allies in the mainstream media, to demonize and lie about their opponents.

The "Liberal Media" is and always has been a Republican myth.

A pox on both your houses. Wake me up when someone stops trying to alienate our inalienable rights.

By speedwell (not verified) on 05 Sep 2008 #permalink

I have long been interested in the tendency of the left, including their allies in the mainstream media [ROTFL!], to demonize and lie about their opponents.

"If the Republicans will stop telling lies about us, we'll stop telling the truth about them."
-- Adlai Stevenson

By David Marjanović (not verified) on 06 Sep 2008 #permalink


do you mean the lies that Sara Palin told about her not wanting money for the bridge to nowhere, or her claiming to be a friend of handicapped children and single mothers, also bother you? After all, aren't lies still lies, regardless of who spreads them? Or are lies for the purpose of getting your team elected acceptable?

I know the answer I give (and so make decisions from) to that question. Perhaps you should give an honest look at your team.

As a woman, I don't want to be her. I was impressed with her presentation. But I am a confirmed feminist and a liberal, so her platform doesn't appeal to me on either level.
But as one who aims to be objective about issues and party politics, I still think McCain could have chosen a better (different) female running mate.
Maybe Donnie is right. It isn't about experience or know-how or being vetted...It's the packaging.

And no Mr. Duestch, this isn't the NEW feminism. Because when it becomes about packaging, that means that feminist ideals have been thrown out.

If this blog is so unreliable, why are you wasting your time reading it?

I never said it was unreadable; I implied that you are predictable. You have some of the best links to science articles and various carnivals around. You sometimes have something insightful to say about politics. Unfortunately,you tend to also say things like (not direct quotes) 'Conservatives are all crazy' and 'every right-wingers thinks [x]'.

Because this is a blog and a post cannot be book-length to contain all the caveats and all the exceptions - it has to be somewhat crude in order to provide the main message. My blog is a place to jot down quick thoughts, not dissertations. My blog is also my campaign weapon - deal with it.

Ah! We both have new blogs, now, don't we?

You know what I find fascinating? I have a blog about politics and ideology and I almost never discuss current politics; you have a sciblog and talk current politics all the time.

As I said in another post, I pretty much refrained from politics for almost 2 years, but in these last 2 months, I'll do my part to help my side win.

That's what i mean! I really don't have a 'side'. I am so meh about everyone involved I actually took time off to write my next book early.