ABATC August Digest

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For those just coming back from their summer vacations, too busy to dig among hundreds of brief posts, here is a list of the posts that I myself consider to be my best in July and August 2008 (and perhaps SuperReaders can pick a few more of these - only 2-3 of those have been picked so far): July:…
New Year's Day, a time to reminisce about the past year, perhaps to analyze its ups and downs, and in the blogosphere: to link to one's "Best of" posts for all of those who missed them. I posted 2960 posts so far this year - with six days to go I may reach 3000. It is not easy sifting through all…
Reposted, as I needed to add a few of the most recent posts to the list - see under the fold: Now that this blog has won the ResearchBlogging.org Award in the Biology category, people are coming here and looking for biology posts. And on a blog with almost 10,000 posts, they may not be easy to find…
Now that this blog has won the ResearchBlogging.org Award in the Biology category, people are coming here and looking for biology posts. And on a blog with almost 10,000 posts, they may not be easy to find. So, I put together a collection of posts that I think are decent under the fold. Different…