Cindy McCain On Palin, Abortion, Creationism


This is a totally amazing interview:

She states that she is completely inside the loop!!

It disturbs me that interviewers will, as in this case, ask about teaching creationism but will shy away from which creator should be taught, that of Christians, or Jews, or Muslims, or Native Americans, or Hindus, or animists, or Sikhs, or Jainists, or Shintoist, or what.

Accepting a known lie at face value makes one a liar.

By Swingin' Amiss (not verified) on 06 Sep 2008 #permalink

I don't know about anyone else, but I am exhausted keeping up with this election season. Honestly, no matter who wins the election, when it's all over I feel as if I need to take a nice long trip and live as a hermit on a remote mountain somewhere. Somewhere far, far away from TV and the internet for a few months to meditate under waterfalls and talk to the animals... I am mentally and emotionally SPENT.

This is why I took a long break, several months now - I knew I needed my wits about me for the last two months of the campaign.

Rece zena i ostade ziva!!!!!!!

WOW! I never thought that way of education... :@

Sorry, but this all reminds me too well on what I used to hear back in Belgrade. Easy to get upset and puzzled of the amount of brain washing one can deal with, and I am seeing many people biting into that too deep...

Erich Fromme and Wilhelm Reich said it all too long ago...

This is a sum of the comments I have after seeing the several videos you linked here. Thanks for digesting the campaign, Boro... Now I am going out to recuperate and try to get balance back.... Ommmmm.