The hook-up culture

Amanda is in the middle of reading Michael Kimmel's Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Become Men and has posted the first, preliminary review, with some very interesting explorations by the commenters as well (I guess the MRAs did not get there yet to ruin the discussion). The review is focusing on the societal gender roles as the cause of the hook-up culture as well as the perception of it as being negative.

Much younger, sarahmeyers looks at the setting for the hook-up culture and identifies her own - highly urban, career-oriented, highly-connected (online and offline).

Possibly related:

Hooked on Hooking Up, Or What's Wrong With Conservative View Of Marriage
Teen Sex, 'Hooking Up', Gay Marriage, Femiphobia and Bush Victory Are All Interconnected
Stephanie Coontz On Marriage
What is the Future of the Institution of Marriage?
Books: 'The Sex Lives Of Teenagers' by Lynn Ponton
Teen Parenthood for the X-box generation

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Pardon my ignorance, but what does MRA stand for?

By R. Totale (not verified) on 30 Sep 2008 #permalink

Man's Rights Activist. The gender-equivalent of White Power.