Open Access Day - the videos 2

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HOUSE BACKS TAXPAYER-FUNDED RESEARCH ACCESS Final Appropriations Bill Mandates Free Access to NIH Research Findings Washington, D.C. - July 20, 2007 - In what advocates hailed as a major advance for scientific communication, the U.S. House of Representatives yesterday approved a measure directing…
Tomorrow is the Open Access Day and today you can watch the videos, like this one, for example: Barbara Stebbins, Middle School Science Teacher from Open Access Videos on Vimeo.
Voices of Open Access from Open Access Videos on Vimeo.
Apparently Talisman Energy is taking the case for fraccing to kids in an adorable coloring book. As World Oil News reports: Following Talisman Terry, children are simplistically introduced to the complex issues of unconventional drilling, pipeline construction and land reclamation. Presented in…