Conquering Fear - Overcoming Social (Networking) Anxiety

I am off to ConvergeSouth where there will be a fascinating Program.

Now, my session is entitled "Conquering Fear - Overcoming Social (Networking) Anxiety". If you walked into a session with this title, what would you expect to hear, want to hear, want to say?


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I would expect it to help managers and IT managers to overcome their irrational fears of social networking sites. The impulse to ban access to such sites is too common. I say a little more about this on my blog

By Frank Norman (not verified) on 17 Oct 2008 #permalink

I just returned from hearing the ConvergeSouth discussion on this topic and it actually was quite interesting. The topic of social networking anxiety was more one of a discussion around the reluctance of scientists to comment online about scientific articles. The two reasons given for this hesitation to comment were 1) no time to be involved and 2) fear of retaliation if someone reading a comment felt it were unworthy or incorrect. It was a good discussion- perhaps worth repeating as a topic at the upcoming science blogging conference in January. I also think it would be useful for Boro to summarize in this blog what he learned from being the moderator of this session in the conference.

By Starrsight2050 (not verified) on 17 Oct 2008 #permalink