How to ROFL

How to ROFL:

i-284eb611658c91c2156689a71cf51d66-How to ROFL.png


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ZOMGZ =wheeze= ROFL =coff= MFAO =gasp= WTFBBQ =choke= LSMFT
=turns blue, passes out=

By Mad Hussein LO… (not verified) on 19 Oct 2008 #permalink

That poor guy isn't laughing. More likely he's crying.

hahahaha, Mad i was right there with you until WTFBBQ and then LSMFT. So i looked em up. for LSMFT i got:

Low Self esteem Means Friction and Trouble
Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco

hahahhaha, just thought i would share. i'll keep looking. roflmao.