Clock Quotes

America is the country where you buy a lifetime supply of aspirin for one dollar, and use it up in two weeks.

- John Barrymore

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BTW, I gave you a shout-out over at Bad Astronomy. The usual, but I can't say it enough: Your political commentary ROCKS! Why is it that so many foreigners and immigrants seem to have a far better handle on what's going on here than the rest of us?

p.s. Oops, I screwed up and implied something I didn't mean in that post. Correction here.

By Mad Hussein LO… (not verified) on 26 Oct 2008 #permalink

Thank you. Perhaps immigrants have the advantage of having a comparative view. Or perhaps I never lived in the USA at the time when GOP was a legitimate party so I did not have to erase the bad habit of thinking of it that way. As soon as I came here and looked (that was 1991 so the 92 race was starting), I saw that GOP is all outdated policies, religion and dishonest slime. Thus I never had to 'change my mind' on them as I never remembered the mythical "good GOP" of ancient history, nor do I remember the times when it was the Dems who were racist and stupid. So, unencumbered by history, unaffected by family members around me, I could clearly see the current state of affairs and act accordingly.