My picks from ScienceDaily

'Voter-Verifiable' Voting System Ensures Accuracy And Privacy:

Approximately two-thirds of Americans voting in the November Presidential election will cast their votes on paper ballots. How can voters be assured their votes are counted and kept private?

Victorian Manchester Home To First Youth Gangs:

A historian at the University of Liverpool has uncovered extensive archive material detailing the activities of the 'scuttlers' - one of Britain's earliest youth cults.

Youth From Poor Neighborhoods 4 Times More Likely To Attempt Suicide:

Youth in their late teens who live in poor neighbourhoods are four times more likely to attempt suicide than peers who live in more affluent neighbourhoods, according to a new study from Canada's Universite de Montreal and Sainte-Justine Hospital Research Center, as well as Tufts University in the U.S. The researchers also found youth from poor neighbourhoods are twice as likely to report suicidal thoughts.

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