The very first LEED Platinum hotel in the USA.... right here in NC, an hour from here in Greensboro - the Proximity Hotel. The ceremony where the LEED Platinum designation was awarded was held today.

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I had the honor today of witnessing the recognition of a civil rights landmark here in The-Town-That-Tobacco-Built. This afternoon, North Carolina Historical Marker G-123 was dedicated at the site of the 23 June 1957 segregation protest at the Royal Ice Cream parlor, just north of downtown Durham…
NC Press Asociation's front pages from Wednesday. Due to narrow margin - about 12,000 in Obama's favor - the state has to count all the provisional ballots (which usually favor Dems) and all the mail-in ballots (mostly from the military personnel abroad - who knows who that favors any more!).…
The second ConvergeSouth conference on blogging and journalism will be held on the NC A&T University in Greensboro, NC on Saturday, October 14, 2006. Check out the homepage and blog and register soon. It is going to be even more of an Unconference than last year. Although it is expected…
Well, I made it here for the American Society for Microbiology general meeting. In Canada. So far, I had the people at my hotel completely screw up where the airport shuttle left from, leaving me waiting at the airport for an hour and a half, screwing up my reservation by almost shorting me a…