No more science on CNN!

Oh, there was before? Anyway, the story that everyone on science blogs is talking about these days is that CNN has ditched their science and tech team. I was going to comment on it, but Chad puts it the best and there is no way I can best it. So go on over and add your 2c to the interesting ongoing discussion in the comments.

[Possibly related....]

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I have read the comments to the article and many of them resonate. Which is also why I take issue with the title of Chris Mooney's new book (not much else to go on at this point). I don't believe that the level of scientific literacy in America is a central issue (and I am both a scientist and a teacher). Nor do I believe that scientists themselves have a more comprehensive vision, or solution, to the modern human condition that anyone else, and believe that they often are blinded by their own narrow perspective. Among those who I believe demostrate such intellectual breadth, I count one anthropolgist and one science fiction writer (unfortunately, both deceased).

By Eric the Leaf (not verified) on 05 Dec 2008 #permalink

Nobody watches CNN for science anyway, we're all online looking up the latest and greatest things without the need for television.

Sure CNN may inform us that a product is doing record sales and what not, but the information that we crave can not be reported on the TV.

By Bilal Aslam (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink