SciBlings Abbie and Ed on

erv and Ed Yong discuss science, blogging, science communication, HIV, and, er, vampires....

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And by roar, I mean babble for a straight hour. A couple of weeks ago, I did a Bloggingheads chat with fellow Scienceblogger, Abbie Smith (she of ERV fame). See video below to hear us chat about science communication, journalism, HIV research, being bloggers and, in a fantastic non-sequitur that…
Today I move to my new home at Big Think [Follow the blog via its RSS feed, on Twitter, and on Facebook.] Over the past four years at Scienceblogs, I have had the wonderful opportunity to be part of a blogging network that includes dozens of…
Earlier today, I had the pleasure of speaking via Skype with Dan Simons's graduate-level science writing class. We talked about the ins and outs of academic blogging, and the nature and ecosystem of science communication online, and the students asked some terrific questions. I had asked Dan to…
Ouch, Chad calls me out on the use of science blogging Last night, after giving a talk on science blogging, I posted a rather frustrated rhetorical question on whether science blogging has done any good. Now, I specifically asked this excluding science policy and science communication, not because…

Abbie commented something like "since we're with SEED - maybe we can get press passes." Along those lines, in my editing at Wikipedia, I see all the time that blogs in general are unacceptable as sources/links. When I go in and argue that this isn't just any blog, it's on ScienceBlogs, I get support. So, yes, ScienceBlogs has earned a measure of respect here and there. It can only get better.