Darwin Day Trailer (video)

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The next in the series of interviews by Miss Baker's high school biology class is the interview by Jordan with Eric Roston. Read the interview here.
tags: Science Online 2010, Scio10, Ms Baker's Biology Class,Staten Island Academy, NYC, education, technology, internet, streaming video This is a video collage by Stacy "Ms Bakeriffic" Baker's high school biology students from Staten Island Academy in Staten Island, NY. In this video, they take…
I was recently asked a few questions about ScienceOnline '09 by Stephen, one of Miss Baker's biology class students. You can check out my responses here. [Thanks to Bora for the link, too.]
There is a new interview in the series by the students in Miss Baker's class: An Interview with Danielle Lee, Author of Urban Science Adventures. Danielle Lee will be moderating a session about Race in Science.

My students thought I was the coolest teacher ever when I played that in class the other day. For those who wonder why I have 2/10/09 instead of the correct 2/12/09 date, we don't have school on the 12th.

Animoto is definitely great for making a quick video for entertainment purposes. That video took me about 15 minutes to make. But, today my students gave it an overwhelming thumbs down for its educational value after I attempted to use it to teach an introductory lesson about DNA. Oh well, it's still a heck of a lot of fun. My Biology of Love Trailer is coming soon. ;-)