ScienceOnline'09 - introducing the participants 3


Let's highlight some more of the participants of this year's ScienceOnline09 conference:

Kevin Emamy is coming to do a demo of his CiteULike reference management platform.

Kay Endriss teaches statistics in Career Center High School in Winston-Salem (see the Wikipedia page).

Martin Fenner is the Clinical Fellow in Oncology at Hannover Medical School in Germany. He blogs on Gobbledygook and will lead a session on Providing public health and medical information to all.

Matt Ford is a writer for Nobel Intent and will co-moderate a session Science blogging without the blog?

Suzanne Franks is my SciBling - Zuska. She will co-moderate a session on Gender in science -- online and offline

Kim Gainer teaches English at Radford College and writes fantasy fiction.

Patty Gainer is Kim's daughter and, like her Mom, this will be her third time at the conference. Since last year, she has graduated from Radford High School and is now a student at New River Community College.

Kevin Gamble is the Chief Technology Officer for the American Distance Education Consortium. He is also the Project Director for the National Science Foundation Advanced Internet Satellite Extension Project (AISEP) and Associate Director of the National eXtension Initiative at NCSU. And he blogs on High Touch.

Henry Gee is the senior editor at Nature and blogs on The End Of The Pier Show. He will co-moderate the session on Alternative careers: how to become a journal editor.

gg blogs on Skulls in the Stars and runs The Giant's Shoulders carnival. He will co-moderate the session Web and the History of Science.

Johnathan Gitlin is a writer for Ars Technica and will co-moderate a session Science blogging without the blog?

Rob Gluck blogs on Mindshavings.

Miriam Goldstein is a doctoral student at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and writes The Oyster's Garter.

Mary Jane Gore is the Senior Science Writer at The Duke Medicine Office of News and Communications.

Xan Gregg works at SAS Institute and blogs on FORTH GO.

Grrrlscientist is my SciBling, over on Living the Scientific Life. She will co-moderate the session on Nature blogging.

Salman Hameed is an astronomer and Assistant Professor of Integrated Science & Humanities at Hampshire College, Massachusetts. He blogs on Science and Religion News.

Steven Hamelly is a Quality Assurance/Regulatory Affairs Expert in Chapel Hill (until recently at BearingPoint).

Roger Harris is Online Social Media Manager at Capstrat and blogs on TwitterThoughts. He will lead a workshop Blogging102 - how to make your blog better and do a show-and-tell on how to put your story on a dozen networks, sites and services in 15 minutes or less.

Brian Hawkins is a Blood-Brain Barrier researcher at the National Institute of Environemental Health Sciences (NIEHS). See his webpage and blog.

Katherine Haxton is a Lecturer in Chemistry at Keele University in the UK and she blogs on Endless Possibilities v2.0.

Jay Heinz is a Multimedia Designer at the Morehead Planetarium and Science Center and writes on their blog.

Victor Henning will do a demo of his Mendeley reference manager platform.

Brad Herring is a nanotechnology afficionado at The Museum of Life and Science in Durham.

Anne-Marie Hodge is an undergraduate student working towards a dual Zoology/Conservation Biology degree (minoring in Ecology and Anthropology) at Auburn University and she blogs on Pondering Pikaia. She will be participating on the panel Blogging adventure: how to post from strange locations.

Elissa Hoffman teaches biology in Appleton East High School, WI, where she runs hes classroom blog Endless Forms Most Beautiful.

John Hogenesch is an Associate Professor of Pharmacology and the Associate Director of the Penn Genome Frontiers Institute at University of Pennsylvania. He is of my "tribe" - a circadian researcher, and an aficionado of projects like Gene Wiki, WikiProteins, WikiPathways, and WikiGenes and BioGPS. He will co-moderate a session Community intelligence applied to gene annotation.

Stephanie Holmgren is the Biomedical Science Librarian at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.

Ernie Hood is a freelance science writer and he does a weekly science radio show - Radio In Vivo - at the local radio station WCOM-FM.

Bill Hooker is also coming for the third time - he blogs on Open Reading Frame and will co-moderate a session on Open Access publishing: present and future.

Carlos Hotta teaches at Universidade de Sao Paulo in Brazil and blogs on Brontossauros em meu jardim. He will present a demo of Lablogatorios, the Brazilian science blogging network.

Zoe Hoyle works at the USDA Forest Service - Southern Research Station in Asheville, NC.

James Hrynyshyn is my SciBlings and a freelance science journalist based in western North Carolina. His blog is The Island of Doubt.

Tom Hughes is the Managing Editor in the Medical Center News Office at UNC.


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