ScienceOnline'09 - Saturday 9am


Like everyone else, I had tough choices to make - which session to go to out of four in each time slot! Of course, I spent a year planning, and talking with moderators/panelists/presenters and building each session over time. Now I wanted to see them all. How could I afford to miss any one of them?!

But choices had to be made, and I knew I could rely on the blogosphere to write about other sessions so I could get the idea of how the other stuff went. The blog/media coverage linkfest is growing fast (perhaps start at the bottom and work your way up, posting comments on the way and saying Hello to your new friends), there are ongoing discussions on FriendFeed and new pictures on Flickr.

Also, if you were there, please fill up this short form to give us feedback, so we can make next year's meeting even better.

So, first thing in the morning, I went to You are a science blogger but you want to publish a pop-sci book? , moderated by Tom Levenson and Dave Munger. Am I thinking about writing a book? No, and this session re-affirmed that decision. I can edit books. I can throw blooks up on I may even get a collection of essays put together one day. But book-length exposition is not my forte - I do not have the patience and discipline for it. Blogs are just a perfect medium for me - jumping in when the inspiration hits and not worrying when it doesn't. But for those who are interested in writing a book, this session was chockful of good information, from how to pitch a proposal, to how to make yourself disciplined, to how to actually organize your thoughts for such an endeavor.

Others who blogged about this session:

Pondering Pikaia: ScienceOnline09 Conference Update
Highly Allochthonous: ScienceOnline Day 1: generalised ramblings
Laelaps: SciOnline'09 and the future of Laelaps

Sessions I missed in this time-slot, but others have covered:

Open Access publishing: present and future:

Sciencewomen: Open Access publishing at ScienceOnline 2009
Knowledge Sharing: ScienceOnline'09: Open Access Publishing ScienceOnline09: Midway in the first day
Deep Thoughts and Silliness: Semi-live Blogging Scienceonline09: Day 1
McBlawg: Science Online '09 - How was it.... via the internet?
Deep Thoughts and Silliness: Reflections on ScienceOnline09
Deep Sea News: LiveBlogging Science Online '09: Open Access
Michael Nielsen: The role of open licensing in open science
Christina's LIS Rant: Science Online '09: Saturday AM

Science Fiction on Science Blogs?:

The Logical Operator: Science Fiction on Science Blogs - Science Online '09, Day 1
Ideonexus: ScienceOnline09: Science Fiction in Science Blogs
Confessions of a Science Librarian: ScienceOnline '09: Saturday summary
Expression Patterns: ScienceOnline09 - Day 2

Science blogging without the blog? (interesting - many people in the private feedback forms indicated they liked this session a lot, but very few blogged about it):

Nobel Intent: ScienceOnline 09: Nobel Intent gives back

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